Dear Way Taekwondo members and parents.
I hope you are well. During this National lockdown period, we are trying our best to keep our members active, fit and up to date. Therefore, we are going to run a Zoom Live Taekwondo session from home. Please encourage your kids to join our Live training sessions for 4 weeks.
Topic: Way TKD Zoom Live Session
Time: Every Sunday afternoon for 4 weeks.
1. Beginner Class: 1pm-2pm (white belt to Yellow-green belt)
2. Intermediate Class: 2pm-3pm (Green Belt to Blue-red belt)
3. Black belt Class: 3pm-4pm (Red belt to Black Belt)
Please click the link provided below and follow the instructions.
Join the session before 5 minutes and wait for our authorisation.
Join Zoom Meeting: Click Here
Meeting ID: 694 095 4233
Passcode: 6QpcyS